Cool Polyhouse Hacks: Nature’s Way to Beat the Heat on a Budget.

by | Jun 3, 2024 | blogs, hydroponics polyhouse, polyhouse structure | 1 comment

In Polyhouses/Nethouses are a fantastic way to nurture your plants, but keeping them cool without breaking the bank can be tricky. Forget pricey fan and pad systems—nature has some amazing, low-cost tricks up its sleeve. You can tap into the power of nature to keep your polyhouse cool and your wallet happy.

* Understanding Hydroponics Polyhouse – 

Shade Magic: Nature’s Umbrella

Shade Cloths: Drape your polyhouse with these inexpensive, light-blocking fabrics to instantly cut down the heat with 50% dispersion. Choose your density and color of shade net, according to the crop you are growing, for maximum yield and let the magic begin.

Reflective Mulch: Shine Away the Heat

Spread some reflective mulch, like aluminized or white plastic, on your soil. This shiny solution bounces the sun’s rays away, keeping your polyhouse cooler from the ground up.

Breezy Ventilation: Let the Air Flow

Passive Ventilation: Open up roof and side vents to let hot air escape and cooler air flow in naturally. Simple, yet effective.

Thermal Siphoning: Place vents at different heights to create a natural draft that pulls in cool air and pushes out the hot. As the air always flows from cold to hot.

Misting Magic: Cool Mist, Happy Plants
Set up a low-cost misting system. As the mist evaporates, it absorbs heat, dropping the temperature and keeping your plants happy.

* Conclusion:

With these natural, budget-friendly cooling hacks, and with a customized cooling pads that we have worked on for years and has given amazing results, that works with the science of nature and gives a fan pad effect by simply reducing temperature by 10-15 degree celcius, you can create the perfect environment for your plants without the hefty price tag. Harness the power of nature to cool your polyhouse/Nethouse, boost plant health, and save money. It’s time to let nature’s cool tricks work for you! These hacks, reduces the operational cost to minimum with a high yield.

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